Hello all, When executing the attached search query in the streettivo bobo collection, I get the following errors: $ mclient -lx -p 60000 a.xq MAPI = monetdb@localhost:60000 QUERY = import module namespace stvc = "http://monetdb.cwi.nl/streettivo/search " at "/export/scratch0/streettivo/streettivo/mxq/search.xq"; stvc:search("bobo camperen") ERROR = !ERROR: interpret_params: reverse(param 1): invalid BAT. !ERROR: interpret_params: exist(param 1): evaluation error. !ERROR: interpret_params: not(param 1): evaluation error. $ cat a.xq import module namespace stvc = "http://monetdb.cwi.nl/streettivo/search" at "/export/scratch0/streettivo/streettivo/mxq/search.xq"; stvc:search("bobo camperen") The function "search()" is implemented as the following (see also the attachment): 1. module namespace stvc = "http://monetdb.cwi.nl/streettivo/search"; 2. declare namespace tijah = 'http://dbappl.cs.utwente.nl/pftijah/'; 3. stvc:search($keywords as xs:string) as node()* { 4. let $config := doc("config.xml") 5. (: number of programs to be returned :) 6. let $numPrograms := exactly-one($config/stv-config/nr-programs/ text()) 7. (: number of fragments to be returned per program :) 8. let $numFrags := exactly-one($config/stv-config/nr-fragments/text()) 9. (: number of sentences to be ranked by TIJAH :) 10. let $numSentences := exactly-one($config/stv-config/nr-sentences/ text()) 11. let $query := tijah:tokenize($keywords) 12. let $nexi := if ($query) then 13. concat("//(asr|teletext)[about(.,", $query, ")]// sentence[about(.,", $query, ")]") 14. else "//sentence[about(., asdkjasdkj)]" (: in case query is only a stop word :) 15. let $opt := <TijahOptions ft-index="SpeechOut" returnNumber="{$numSentences}" /> 16. let $res := tijah:queryall-id($nexi,$opt) 17. let $nodes := tijah:nodes($res) 18. let $resultlist := 19. for $pid in distinct-values ($nodes/../@progID) 20. let $sentences := 21. for $s in $nodes[../@progID = $pid] 22. order by tijah:score($res, $s) descending 23. return $s 24. let $best := $sentences[1] 25. let $speech := $best/.. 26. let $pscore := tijah:score($res, exactly-one($best)) 27. order by $pscore descending 28. return element program { 29. attribute thumbnail-image {$speech/@thumbnail_image}, 30. attribute video-file {$speech/@video-file}, 31. attribute startDT {$speech/@startDT}, 32. attribute channel {$speech/@channel}, 33. attribute title {$speech/@title}, 34. attribute progID {$pid}, 35. attribute score {$pscore}, 36. subsequence( 37. for $fragment in $sentences 38. return element fragment { 39. $fragment/@*, 40. $fragment/text() }, 41. 1, $numFrags) } 42. return 43. subsequence($resultlist, 1, $numPrograms) (: first result page :) 44. }; The problem starts in lines 16 and 17. It feels like that the error will occur, as soon as the return value of the function "tijah:queryall-id" or "tijah:nodes" is used. Above error occurs, if I - query the original function, or - skip lines 17 - 43 and return <res>{$res}</res> - skip lines 18 - 43 and return $nodes I use the latest stable version, compiled using the monetdb-install.sh script as the following: $ monetdb-install.sh --prefix=$STV_HOME/monetdb --build=$STV_TEMP/ monetdb_build --enable-xquery --nightly=stable --enable-debug System info: $ uname -a Linux andorea.ins.cwi.nl 2.6.20-1.2933.fc6 #1 SMP Mon Mar 19 11:00:19 EDT 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Would some Tijah experts please have a lot at this problem? I'm not sure if the problem is in the Tijah functions or somewhere else in MonetDB/XQuery. Thanks a lot! Regards, Jennie