You cannot load the 1G of data in the 32-bits windows version on MXQ. Simply won’t fit the virtual address space.
Use the 64-bits version (best: use the 64-bits Linux version).
From: Xianmin Liu [mailto:xianmliu@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 2:11 PM
To: monetdb-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Cc: Nan Tang; Wenfei Fan
Subject: [MonetDB-users] ask for help
I got some errors when using MonetDB/XQuery, could you pls give me some help?
I was running experiments over large XML data using MonetDB/XQuery.
My hardware: CPU:Intel Core2 Duo CPU 2.93GHz, RAM:2.00GB
MonetDB: Server v4.32.0 based on GDK v1.32.0, Compiled for i686-pc-win32/32bit,
MonetDB/XQuery module v0.28.3 loaded (default back-end is 'algebra')
When I try to load xmark1G.xml (generated by xmark generator with factor 10)
by command 'pf:add-doc("H:\lxm\1G\xmark1000M.xml","xmark1G.xml")<>'
Return errors:
ERROR = !ERROR: [shred_url]: 1 times inserted nil due to errors at tuples 0@0.
!ERROR: [shred_url]: first error was:
!ERROR: HEAPextend: failed to extend to 278712278 for 03\373theap
!ERROR: shredBAT_append_str: APPEND-STR[_prop_text](
!ERROR: CMDshred_url: operation failed.
Xianmin Liu