27 Sep
27 Sep
9:48 a.m.
First of all, thanks for using MonetDB. If you are only interested on the results, in this link you can find the results for the TPC-H benchmark on MonetDB. http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb//SQL/Benchmark/TPCH/ Regards, Romulo xxiao wrote:
I am a beginner of MonetDB. I want to run TPC-H benchmark on MonetDB. I found there are SQL queries and related files under monetdb source folder <monetdb-source>/sql/src/benchmark/tpch. I ran the script 'run.all'. But that gave me many errors and did not succeed. Can anyone describe briefly the steps I need to carry out in order to run TPC-H benchmark? Any documentations I can refer to is highly appreciated.
Thank you.