The MonetDB team at CWI/MonetDB BV is pleased to announce the Jul2017-SP3 bugfix release of the MonetDB suite of programs. More information about MonetDB can be found on our website at http://www.monetdb.org/. For details on this release, please see the release notes at http://www.monetdb.org/Downloads/ReleaseNotes. As usual, the download location is http://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/. Jul 2017-SP3 bugfix release (11.27.11) MonetDB Common * Reimplemented summing of a column of floating point (flt and dbl) values. The old code could give wildly inaccurate results when adding up lots and lots of values due to lack of precision. Try SELECT sum(c) FROM t; where t is 100,000,000 rows, c is of type REAL and all values are equal to 1.1. (The old code returned 33554432 instead of 1.1e8.) Bug Fixes * 3898: Deadlock on insertion * 6429: ROUND produces wrong data type * 6436: Query sequence with 2x ifthenelse() and next nullif() causes mserver5 Segmentation fault * 6437: System schemas "profiler" and "json" shouldn't be allowed to be dropped. * 6439: Invalid references to sys.columns.id from sys.statistics.column_id * 6442: SEGFAULT with COPY INTO BEST EFFORT and skipping input columns * 6443: complex(?) query forgets(?) column name * 6444: Using 'with' keyword with table returning function crashes monetdb * 6445: Sqlitelogictest crash in MySQL query * 6446: sql_parser.y bug? * 6448: 'insert into' with multiple rows containing subqueries crashes * 6449: Assertion error in rel_dce_refs (sqlsmith) * 6450: Assertion error in exp_bin (sqlsmith) * 6451: Assertion error in sql_ref_dec (sqlsmith) * 6453: Assertion error in rel_rename_exps (sqlsmith) * 6454: SQL lexical error * 6455: Assertion error in rel_apply_rewrite (sqlsmith) * 6456: NULL becomes 0 in outer join * 6459: Assertion error in exp_bin (sqlsmith) * 6462: large virtual memory spike on BLOB column select * 6465: appending to variables sized atom bats other than str bats with force flag may result in corrupted heap * 6467: date_to_str formatter is wrong * 6470: mitosis gets in the way of simple select * 6471: calls to sys.generate_series should auto-convert arguments * 6472: Assertion failure in rel_rename (Sqlsmith) * 6477: assertion eror rel_push_project_up (sqlsmith) * 6478: Crash with nested order by/ limit offset * 6479: Mserver receives an assertion error on a procedure call * 6480: Segfault in mvc_find_subexp (sqlsmith)