On 13-11-2007 12:03:30 -0800, jsolderitsch wrote:
The new jar works from inside Aqua Data Studio -- connecting to the Linux Monet DB from Aqua Data Studio running on the Mac. I see the demo DB now and all of the schemas within -- just like localhost.
Actually, what you may be interested in, is what revealed this bug. The bug actually was wrong use of basically a non-blocking read. The problem here was that the code assumed a blocking read. It appeared to go well in our entire testing suite and desktops, basically because local and our tested network connections were fast enough to have the TCP buffers filled fast enough to have the non-blocking read get what it needs (at max 8K). In your case it seems that the network connection is too slow for this. This may be due to firewalls, or just a very busy network stack, but just so you are aware of this. This also explains why it worked locally. Anyway, the fix I made was basically to make the read blocking.
I first tried mjclient but that fails because it wants a jdbcclient.jar and the one you built is missing a main class -- even after I adjusted the script to compensate and use the new jar instead.
If you want, I can just give you the jdbcclient.jar as well.
I will report back here is there are any further.
I was getting to switch to mysql :-(
Oh noes!!!!!! ;)