According to function declaration the second argument is float
CREATE FUNCTION Buffer(a Geometry, distance FLOAT) RETURNS Geometry external name geom."Buffer";So, why it is not clear what type to be expected ?
On 10-10-2011 12:04:16 +0300, George Garbis wrote:All queries from your mail, and in particular this one is misuse of the
> st = con.prepareStatement("SELECT Buffer(t.g, ?) AS buffer, t.g AS point
> FROM geom AS t"); // This line throws an SQLException
prepared statement. The question mark is meant to be used on positions
where it is clearly known what type is to be expected, e.g.:
SELECT x, y FROM table WHERE id = ?;
> st.setFloat(1, (float)1.0);
You better just do string manipulation here, and send that to the
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