Hi Phil,
I'm not aware of any XQuery standard functionality to solve your problem.
However, a simple work-around could be to create an XML file (say
"docs.xml") that lists for each doument you need to load its location (URL /
absolute filename) and desired name in the collection, e.g., as follows
<doc loc="...URL-1..." name="...name-1..."/>
<doc loc="...URL-n..." name="...name-n..."/>
an then query this XML file using XQuery to load all document in a single
for $doc in fn:doc("[abolute_path_to]docs.xml")/docs/doc
return pf:add-doc($doc/@loc, $doc/@name, "MyCollection")
That should be it.
On you favorite unix-like system, you could easily create the docs.xml,
e.g., by executing the following shell (bash) commands in the top-level
directory of your document collection, asuming all files are called *.xml
and all filenames are unique
echo "<docs>" > /tmp/docs.xml
for i in `find $PWD -name \*.xml` ; do
echo "
Hi, I have a directory containing XML files, all sharing a common structure. I want to load them all into a collection so I can run queries against them using the XQuery interface in MonetDB4.
The tutorials give useful examples that show how to load a single file into a collection, but I need an automated process to load all of the XML files I have. There are over 60,000 files, currently spread over 16 directories to make them more managable.
I've been looking around on the Web, but I haven't found any XQuery examples that do what I want. Is it possible? If so, can anyone give an example to show me how to load my data?
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-- | Dr. Stefan Manegold | mailto:Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl | | CWI, P.O.Box 94079 | http://www.cwi.nl/~manegold/ | | 1090 GB Amsterdam | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212 | | The Netherlands | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4312 |