Hi, https://www.monetdb.org/XQuery/Tutorials/adminGUI It looks as if the admin GUI should automatically start up on 50001/TCP when I start MonetDB, but this doesn't seem to be the case: I have monetdb listening on 50000, but nothing listening on 50001. I'm running MonetDB 11.19 on Ubuntu. I'm using an init.d script to start MonetDB, and here's the running process: /usr/bin/mserver5 --dbpath=/home/administrator/monetdb/xxx/xxx --set merovingian_uri mapi:monetdb:// --set mapi_open false --set mapi_port 0 --set mapi_usock /home/administrator/monetdb/xxx/xxx/.mapi.sock --set monet_vault_key /home/administrator/monetdb/xxx/xxx/.vaultkey --set gdk_nr_threads 16 --set max_clients 64 --set sql_optimizer default_pipe --set monet_daemon yes Do I need to pass extra start-up options to enable the GUI? (I don't see anything in the mserver5 man page) Thanks, Peter Smith