Hi, I have written a multi-threaded app that consumes multiple logs simultaneously and generates DDL/DML statements for monetdb. It uses JDBC and the threads write to a single table. However I am getting "COMMIT: transaction is aborted because of concurency conflicts, will ROLLBACK instead" very frequently. Also when it retries the insert there is some inconsistency that I have not been able to try and debug yet. Eventually there are more rows than inserts. Weird thing is I also have a unique key constraint on the table. I am guessing this happen as monetdb doesn't use locking for serialization. I have tried connection.setAutoCommit(true) by itself and also with connection.setTransactionIsolation(NONE). But in vain. Please help. Thanks and Regards, Tapomay Dey. _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org http://mail.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list