Hi Fabian,
Is partitioning support on the roadmap for 2010 by any chance? I do see http://monetdb.cwi.nl/MonetDB/Documentation/SQL-Roadmap.html , but I'm not sure how up to date it is? (and it doesn't mention horizontal scaling)
Please ignore that roadmap. We are working on several distribution techniques, but none of them are ready for use, nor doing the classical fragmentation thing.
Are they described anywhere public, even very briefly?
If we know more specifically what your needs are we might be able to advise/help you in some way or another.
I'm investigating and evaluating several DBs that seem to be in a similar space - LucidDB, MonetDB, InfiniDB... without knowing my *exact* needs, but I know I'll need to store and query large volumes of data. If I were to use a regular ROLAP, I'd use a star schema (with 100M+ fact rows) where time is a factor/dimension in pretty much all queries, and maybe I'd make use of Mondrian. Ideally, I'd be able to run most ad-hoc queries in sub-3 second time. The "fear" is, what happens when I hit the limit of the server running (Monet)DB? Thanks, Otis