Still stuck. If you know the answer please share it. Also if you think the two are not meant to work together, share it too. Anyone?
----- Message transféré de sabst@free.fr ----- Date : Thu, 10 May 2012 15:07:17 +0200 De : sabst@free.fr Adresse de retour :sabst@free.fr Sujet : Using monetdb and sqlalchemy À : monetdb-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Hi, I am just starting using monetdb and, even if I could find discussions about Python/SqlAlchemy integration, I could not make it work.
I installed python-monetdb module and have a running monetdb server.
Now I expect my client application to work with monetdb as it does with postgresql and instead of passing a connection string like: postgres://user:password@somehost:port/db I use: monetdb://user:password@somehost/db
But I get this error: ArgumentError: Could not determine dialect for 'monetdb'.
What are the steps required to integrate monetdb into SqlAlchemy?
Certainly missing the obvious but I'm currently stuck.
Thank you in advance for any help, Stephane.
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