Hi Raghav, "tuple_seperator" & "record_seperator" are no SQL key words, but merely place holders for the tuples separator and tuple separator, respectively, in the EBNF (Extended Backus–Naur Form; cf. e.g., http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Backus–Naur_Form) of the SQL-2003 syntax description. Hence, your query should rather look as follows: copy 100 RECORDS into data_table FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS '\r\n', '\t'; Stefan On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 10:40:00PM -0800, Raghav Kumar Gautam wrote:
I am a new user and I am trying to bulk load a very largefile. The following is intended for testing only:
$ 7z e -so data.7z | head -n 100 | query "copy 100 RECORDS into data_table FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS tuple_seperator '\r\n' record_seperator '\t';"
And am getting the following error: MAPI = rk@localhost:50000 QUERY = copy 100 RECORDS into data_table FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS tuple_seperator '\r\n' record_seperator '\t'; ERROR = !syntax error, unexpected IDENT, expecting STRING in: "copy 100 records into data_table from stdin using delimiters tuple_seperator" Timer 0.278 msec
Can you tell me where am I going wrong ?
With Regards, Raghav.
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