Recent installation of MonetDB showed the following text at the end of the installation. ==================================== You can start using MonetDB/SQL by starting /root/countdb/bin/merovingian in the background. Read the merovingian(1), monetdb(1) and mclient(1) manpages to learn how to create a database and afterwards connect to it. ==================================== Is "merovingian" ready for usage? When I type "merovingian" I am getting the following error: =============================================================================== unable to create .merovingian_lock file in /root/countdb/var/MonetDB5/dbfarm: No such file or directory =============================================================================== That's because there is no MonetDB5 directory yet. This may be of importance to us as I need to do the following: - Run MonetDB in background - Create the database directory, LOG, CheckPoint and any other files related to any database in a user specified directory. Right now I am using mserver5 executable in a script to start MonetDB in the background. This script was provided by you (Fabian) Please let me know if I need to start using "merovingian" for my needs. Thanks, -Venks