My table has 308270423 records..
I am using MonetDB 5 server v11.23.13 "Jun2016-SP2" (64-bit, 64-bit oids, 128-bit integers).
Monet running on Centos6 AWS machine.
Please find the attached table schema.
Please find the below request query and and there results.
Query record count time
Select count(*) from historical; 308270423 13.291ms
Select count(userid) from historical; 308270423 4 m.8s
Select count(distinct userid) from historical; 14363134 13 min 1 sec
Select count(*) from historical where gender='men'; 114971336 2.9 sec
Select count(*) from historical where brand='puma'; 9253872 13.5 sec
Select count(*) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma'; 4254774 4.6s
Select count(userid) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma'; 4254764 4.6 s
Select count(distinct userid) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma'; 2780272 2m.58s
Query time
select sum(mrp)/sum(noOfItems) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma'; 26.3s
select sum(mrp)/sum(orderCount) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma'; 11.2s
select sum(revenue) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma'; 10.9 s
select sum(orderCount) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma'; 5.0 s
select sum(noOfItems) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma'; 4.0 s
select sum(returnCount) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma';10.8 s
select sum(rtoCount) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma'; 9.9s
select sum(0) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma'; 4.6 s
select sum(tDiscountPer) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma'; 31.6s
select sum(cDiscountPer) from historical where gender='men' and brand='puma'; 24.7s