The default is whatever your system's / environment's default compiler (-configuration) is. --enable-bits has been abondoned, because it did not work reliably in all case, as there are compilers that we are not aware of or that need other measure than a commandline option to change the ABI/code they generate, e.g., need to be called by different name, etc. Thus, if default configure (without setting CC) gives you want you want, then you're just fine and don't need to do/set anything else. If you need something different than what you get as default (i.e., generate 32-bit binaries rather than 64-bit, or vice versa), then you need to tell configure with other compiler (-options) to use, e.g., by setting your PATH or CC variable accordingly. Best, Stefan -- | Stefan.Manegold @ CWI.nl | DB Architectures (INS1) | | http://CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | Tel.: +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) | ----- Original Message -----
I see that --enable-bits is now obsolete in this release. So are the users required to set "CC" env variable or "CFLAGS" (e.g. CLAGS="-m64", I am confused because the configure script says set CC variable)? If I am compiling on a 64bit OS with 64 bit architecture, do I need to give this option to configure script explicitly or is it by default compiled as a 64-bit code? I compared the configure script of latest release and previous 11.9.7 and 11.9.7 configure has some elaborate logic after "--enable-bit" checking.
So I am tad confused. I am on Ubuntu 12.04 distro of Linux with "gcc" as the default compiler.
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Fabian Groffen
wrote: On 22-10-2012 12:55:56 -0400, Medha Atre wrote:
Ok I found it under 'testing'. http://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/testing/sources/Oct2012/ Is it considered stable right now? If not, when is the earliest it can be available?
Tomorrow by my planning.
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