Hi, I caught an error (see attached file) at the remote method invocation of XRPC. While I'm not sure whether my query is correct or not, is there imitation of parameters in XRPC? The query and dataset used in the evaluation are put on here. http://db-www.naist.jp/~makoto-y/tmp/xrpc.tgz Thanks, Makoto YUI P.S. To: list-admin please ignore previous mail from wrong address MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = import module namespace test = "xrpc-test-function" at "/usr/share/MonetDB/xrpc/export/xrpc-mod.xq"; (: local database :) declare variable $blast-gb := fn:doc("blast-gb.xml")/result; declare variable $blast-uniprot := fn:doc("blast-uniprot.xml")/result; (: remote basebase :) declare variable $remote-endpoint := "xanadu.naist.jp"; let $gb_entry := (for $e in $blast-gb/BlastOutput let $hit := $e/BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit ERROR = !WARNING: doLoopLiftedRPC: error occurred during RPC call to "xanadu.naist.jp" !ERROR: CMDhttp_post: too many parameters. !ERROR: CMDhttp_post: operation failed. MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = import module namespace test = "xrpc-test-function" at "/usr/share/MonetDB/xrpc/export/xrpc-mod.xq"; (: local database :) declare variable $blast-gb := fn:doc("blast-gb.xml")/result; declare variable $blast-uniprot := fn:doc("blast-uniprot.xml")/result; (: remote basebase :) declare variable $remote-endpoint := "xanadu.naist.jp"; let $gb_entry := (for $e in $blast-gb/BlastOutput let $hit := $e/BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit ERROR = !ERROR: doLoopLiftedRPC: execution failed at all destinations mapi_query_part:1705:import module namespace test = "xrpc-test-function" at "/usr/share/MonetDB/xrpc/export/xrpc-mod.xq"; (: local database :) declare variable $blast-gb := fn:doc("blast-gb.xml")/result; declare variable $blast-uniprot := fn:doc("blast-uniprot.xml")/result; (: remote basebase :) declare variable $remote-endpoint := "xanadu.naist.jp"; let $gb_entry := (for $e in $blast-gb/BlastOutput let $hit := $e/BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit where $hit/Hit_num = 1 and $hit/Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_evalue/text() <= 1.0e-8 return $e), $uniprot_entry := (for $e in $blast-uniprot/BlastOutput let $hit := $e/BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit where $hit/Hit_num = 1 and $hit/Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_evalue/text() <= 1.0e-8 return $e) where $gb_entry/BlastOutput_query-def/text() = $uniprot_entry/BlastOutput_query-def/text() return <result> { let $gb-hit := $gb_entry/BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit, $gb-key := $gb-hit/Hit_gb/text() return let $genbank-remote-entries := execute at {$remote-endpoint} { test:q1($gb-key) } for $remote_entry at $pos in $genbank-remote-entries let $gb_definition := $remote_entry/INSDSeq_definition, $gb_feature := $remote_entry/INSDSeq_feature-table/INSDFeature, $blast_evalue := $gb-hit[Hit_gb/text() = $remote_entry/INSDSeq_accession-version/text()]/Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_evalue return <genbank num="{ $pos }">{ $blast_evalue, $gb_definition, $gb_feature } </genbank> } </result> fetch next block: start at:2 got next block: length:269 text:XRPC_Client_Serialisation: 626 microsec !WARNING: doLoopLiftedRPC: error occurred during RPC call to "xanadu.naist.jp" !ERROR: CMDhttp_post: too many parameters. !ERROR: CMDhttp_post: operation failed. !ERROR: doLoopLiftedRPC: execution failed at all destinations got complete block: text:XRPC_Client_Serialisation: 626 microsec !WARNING: doLoopLiftedRPC: error occurred during RPC call to "xanadu.naist.jp" !ERROR: CMDhttp_post: too many parameters. !ERROR: CMDhttp_post: operation failed. !ERROR: doLoopLiftedRPC: execution failed at all destinations read_line:XRPC_Client_Serialisation: 626 microsec allocating new result set XRPC_Client_Serialisation: 626 microsec got complete block: text:!WARNING: doLoopLiftedRPC: error occurred during RPC call to "xanadu.naist.jp" !ERROR: CMDhttp_post: too many parameters. !ERROR: CMDhttp_post: operation failed. !ERROR: doLoopLiftedRPC: execution failed at all destinations read_line:!WARNING: doLoopLiftedRPC: error occurred during RPC call to "xanadu.naist.jp" allocating new result set got complete block: text:!ERROR: CMDhttp_post: too many parameters. !ERROR: CMDhttp_post: operation failed. !ERROR: doLoopLiftedRPC: execution failed at all destinations read_line:!ERROR: CMDhttp_post: too many parameters. got complete block: text:!ERROR: CMDhttp_post: operation failed. !ERROR: doLoopLiftedRPC: execution failed at all destinations read_line:!ERROR: CMDhttp_post: operation failed. got complete block: text: !ERROR: doLoopLiftedRPC: execution failed at all destinations read_line: closing result set got complete block: text:!ERROR: doLoopLiftedRPC: execution failed at all destinations read_line:!ERROR: doLoopLiftedRPC: execution failed at all destinations allocating new result set fetch next block: start at:271 got next block: length:0 text: got complete block: text: read_line: closing result set closing result set Timer 1014.527 msec