
2015-09-08 17:15:21 MSG merovingian[31739]: caught SIGTERM, starting shutdown sequence
2015-09-08 17:15:25 MSG merovingian[31739]: Merovingian 1.7 stopped
2015-09-08 17:15:25 MSG control[31739]: control channel closed
2015-09-08 17:15:48 MSG merovingian[25657]: Merovingian 1.7 (Oct2014-SP4) starting
2015-09-08 17:15:48 MSG merovingian[25657]: monitoring dbfarm /data2/threatmonitor
2015-09-08 17:15:48 MSG merovingian[25657]: accepting connections on TCP socket
2015-09-08 17:15:48 MSG merovingian[25657]: accepting connections on UNIX domain socket /tmp/.s.monetdb.50000
2015-09-08 17:15:58 MSG discovery[25657]: listening for UDP messages on
2015-09-08 17:15:58 MSG control[25657]: accepting connections on UNIX domain socket /tmp/.s.merovingian.50000
2015-09-08 17:15:58 MSG discovery[25657]: new neighbour orville.lan (orville.lan)
2015-09-08 17:15:59 MSG discovery[25657]: new database mapi:monetdb://orville.lan:50000/test (ttl=660s)
2015-09-08 17:15:59 MSG discovery[25657]: new database mapi:monetdb://orville.lan:50000/threatmonitor (ttl=660s)
2015-09-08 17:16:02 MSG control[25657]: (local): served status list
2015-09-08 17:16:02 MSG merovingian[25657]: starting database 'threatmonitor', up min/avg/max: 5s/43m/3h, crash average: 1.00 1.00 0.73 (88-18=70)
2015-09-08 17:16:02 MSG threatmonitor[25665]: arguments: /usr/bin/mserver5 --dbpath=/data2/threatmonitor/threatmonitor --set merovingian_uri=mapi:monetdb://orville.lan:50000/threatmonitor --set mapi_open=false --set mapi_port=0 --set mapi_usock=/data2/threatmonitor/threatmonitor/.mapi.sock --set monet_vault_key=/data2/threatmonitor/threatmonitor/.vaultkey --set gdk_nr_threads=2 --set max_clients=64 --set sql_optimizer=default_pipe --set monet_daemon=yes
2015-09-08 17:16:02 ERR threatmonitor[25665]: !FATAL: BBPinit: incompatible BBP version: expected 061027, got 061030.2015-09-08 17:16:02 ERR threatmonitor[25665]: 
2015-09-08 17:16:02 MSG merovingian[25657]: database 'threatmonitor' (25665) has exited with exit status 1
2015-09-08 17:16:02 ERR control[25657]: (local): failed to fork mserver: database 'threatmonitor' appears to shut itself down after starting, check monetdbd's logfile for possible hints
[root@orville monetdb]# 

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Brian Hood <brianh6854@googlemail.com> wrote:
HI Sjoerd,

I will do and i'll and let you know of my findings.


Brian Hood

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Sjoerd Mullender <sjoerd@acm.org> wrote:
Hash: SHA256

On 08/09/15 14:48, Brian Hood wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am unsure what to do in this scenario.
> Can anyone help ?

The relevant log message is:
2015-09-08 13:40:07 ERR threatmonitor[31747]: !FATAL: Incompatible
database version 052001, this server supports version 052200.
2015-09-08 13:40:07 ERR threatmonitor[31747]: Maybe you need to
upgrade to an intermediate release first.

So can you first try to upgrade to the Oct2014 release (11.19.15) and
then upgrade to the Jul2015 release (11.21.5)?

> http://pastebin.com/LwLCLeAB
> 1. 2015-09-08 13:40:07 MSG threatmonitor[31747]: # Listening for
> UNIX domain connection requests on
> mapi:monetdb:///data2/threatmonitor/threatmonitor/.mapi.sock 2.
> 2015-09-08 13:40:07 MSG threatmonitor[31747]: # Start processing
> logs sql/sql_logs version 52200 3. 2015-09-08 13:40:07 ERR
> threatmonitor[31747]: !FATAL: Incompatible database version 052001,
> this server supports version 052200. 4. 2015-09-08 13:40:07 ERR
> threatmonitor[31747]: Maybe you need to upgrade to an intermediate
> release first. 5. 2015-09-08 13:40:07 ERR threatmonitor[31747]: 6.
> 2015-09-08 13:40:07 MSG merovingian[31739]: database
> 'threatmonitor' (31747) has exited with exit status 1 7. 2015-09-08
> 13:40:07 ERR control[31739]: (local): failed to fork mserver:
> database 'threatmonitor' appears to shut itself down after
> starting, check monetdbd's logfile for possible hints
> Regards,
> Brian Hood
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- --
Sjoerd Mullender
Version: GnuPG v2

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