Howdy! I'm taking some time to see what MonetDB is all about, and I have some questions re performance. I created 6 BATs (basically BAT[LNG, X] where X = INT, OID, TIMESTAMP, BLOB) to test. I loaded up about 250k rows (loading was quite reasonable, even though I was using the Perl interface to do it one row at a time). I am currently trying to delete the BUNs by doing a series of "bat("bat_name").delete();", and it is just taking forever (currently at over an hour!!). I/O is extremely minimal, CPU is nailed to 100% (this is running the latest release candidate off of sourceforge on a Linux 2.6 Gentoo system). Questions: Should delete be so slow? Is there a dependency between tables that is somehow forcing an N^2 or N^3 algorithm to run? Is there an equivalent to "truncate" other than destroy() and recreate? Regards! Ed