
I have a crash after about 5 minutes when running in transaction replication mode.  After the crash I cannot access the db.

I am running:

mserver5 --trace --dbpath=/data/monetdb/dbfarm/test_db/ --set gdk_keep_persisted_log_files=1000 --set gdk_logdir=/mnt/g/monet/wal  --set sql_debug=4

I am using GlusterFS under /mnt/g to manage the replication.  

I am running on AWS Linux 2.  and I have free space on in both the data and wal directories. 
(I assume this is enough space):
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  8.0G  7.4G  669M  92% /mnt/g

the db only has one test table:
sql>create table t (n float, t text) ;
operation successful
sql>select * from t ;
| n                        | t    |
|                      1.1 | blah |
|                      1.1 | blah |
|                        1 | blah |
3 tuples

any help is appreciated!