20 Sep
20 Sep
11:18 a.m.
On 16-09-2011 15:39:38 +0400, Eugene Prokopiev wrote:
But I can't copy to it by this perl script:
$ cat /tmp/f1.pl #!/usr/bin/perl -w use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:monetdb:database=db', 'dbadmin', "dbpwd"); $dbh->do("copy into t1 from stdin;\n1\n2\n3\n");
I got:
Missing argument in sprintf at /usr/lib64/perl5/DBD/monetdb/GetInfo.pm line 25. No query result at /usr/lib64/perl5/MonetDB/CLI/MapiLib.pm line 80.
Hmm, I think this needs some looking into. Do Sjoerd's recent fixes help you to get further (or with much less warnings at least) for this case?