Below is the configuration that would not work with a blank database. the error was that database is not accepting connections. # Configuration file for MonetDB Version 5 server # The configuration file is an integral part of a database store # and aimed to initialize the server and service components. # This startup file is read by the GDK kernel to set system wide parameters. # It may be inspected by application/scripts for specific settings, # but such client side configurations are better packed in their # own structure. # It can also reside in the local directory # where mserver is called, or the home directory of the MonetDB user. # Absolute path where MonetDB is installed prefix=/opt/monetdb exec_prefix=${prefix} # GDK Section #============ # All databases are stored as a directory under the directory # given below. Use this value to change the overall location # of your data. gdk_dbfarm=/data/MonetDB5/dbfarm # MonetDB can only handle one database at a time. When you start an # mserver5 manually without specifying the database name yourself, the # following database name is used. gdk_dbname=demo # The options below deal with various aspects of memory usage behaviour. # If you don't know what these values mean, you should leave them alone. # gdk_mem_bigsize & gdk_vm_minsize will be set/limited to # 1/2 of the physically available amount of main-memory # during start-up in src/tools/mserver.mx # memory chunks of size >= gdk_mem_bigsize (in bytes) will be mmaped anonymously #gdk_mem_bigsize=262144 # memory chunks of size >= gdk_vm_minsize (in bytes) will be mmaped; #gdk_vm_minsize=137438953472 # for 32 bit systems try to claim 3G of (virtual) memory; #gdk_vmtrim=yes # set to "no" to disable the vmtrim thread. # valgrind issues: # for 32 bit systems it tries claim 3G of (virtual) memory # set the alloca map to "no" to run mserver with valgrind; # also, you need to tell valgrind to use 8-byte alignment, hence: # "valgrind --alignment=8 mserver --set gdk_alloc_map=no ..." gdk_alloc_map=no # the kernel can be used in embedded situations (don't set this yourself) gdk_embedded=no # You can enable debug for specific parts. By default debug is # switched off. gdk_debug=0 # possible values: (can be a combination of) # 1 = thread-specific debug output # 2 = CHECKMASK = property enforcing on new BATs # 4 = MEMMASK = memory allocation # 8 = PROPMASK = property checking on all values: tells about # wrongly set properties # 16 = IOMASK = major IO activity # 32 = BATMASK = BAT handling # 64 = PARSEMASK = parser debugging # 128 = PARMASK = Thread management # 256 = TRGMASK = Event management # 512 = TMMASK = Transaction management # 1024 = TEMMASK = Locks and Triggers # 2048 = DLMASK = Dynamic loading # 4096 = PERFMASK = BBP Performance (?) # 8192 = DELTAMASK = Delta debugging (?) # 16384 = LOADMASK = Module loading # 32768 = YACCMASK = Yacc specific error messages # 65536 = obsolete = tcpip (??) # 131072 = obsolete = monet_multiplex: setaggr debugging (??) # 262144 = obsolete = \ # 524288 = obsolete = ddbench (???) # 1048576 = obsolete = / # 2097152 = ALGOMASK = show join/select algorithm chosen # 4194304 = ESTIMASK = show result size estimations (for join,select) # 8388608 = XPROPMASK = extended property checking: tells also about # not set properties #16777216 = JOINPROPMASK = disable property checking with join & outerjoin # (e.g., for performance measurements) #33554432 = DEADBEEFMASK = disable "cleaning" of freed memory in GDKfree() # (e.g., for performance measurements) # # Mserver 5 recognizes a series of command line names instead: # --threads ( 1 | PARMASK) # --memory (MEMMASK ) # --properties (CHECKMASK | PROPMASK | BATMASK ) # --io (IOMASK | PERFMASK ) # --transactions ( TMMASK | DELTAMASK | TEMMASK) # --modules (DLMASK | LOADMASK) # --algorithms (ALGOMASK | ESTIMASK) # --xproperties (XPROPMASK ) # --performance (JOINPROPMASK | DEADBEEFMASK) # Monet Section #============== # monet_admin=adm #administrator user name # Prompt when using MAL interface # monet_prompt=> # Where do the MonetDB modules reside? The second path is for windows dlls. monet_mod_path=${exec_prefix}/lib/MonetDB5:${exec_prefix}/lib/MonetDB5/lib:${exec_prefix}/lib/MonetDB5/bin # Start mserver in daemon mode, or start with MAL interactive interface? monet_daemon=no # Display version and copyright information upon startup? monet_welcome=yes # Where is the file that stores the secret key to unlock the password # vault? The file is read up to the first null-byte ('\0'), so you can # padd the file with trailing null-bytes to obfuscate the key length. # You can easily generate some key by running pwgen and adding a few of # the passwords generated. Make sure not to make the key too small. # If you leave this unset, some default key is used. # If you use Merovingian, a per-database vault key is used and this # setting ignored. #monet_vault_key=${prefix}/etc/monetdb.secret # Merovingian section #==================================== # Merovingian logs messages and errors by default to the stdout and # stderr channels on the console. By setting one or both of the # variables below, one can specify messages and/or errors to be logged # to a file instead. It is legitimate to have both mero_msglog and # mero_errlog pointing to the same file, as in the default below. # Unsetting below defaults will make merovingian log to the screen. mero_msglog=${prefix}/var/log/merovingian.log mero_errlog=${prefix}/var/log/merovingian.log # # Log messages may not be instantly logged, because the process that # writes the message does not flush its buffered stream. Since # Merovingian cannot force other processes to flush their output, the # time when Merovingian receives the message need not to be (close) to # the actual time the message was generated. For this reason it makes # not much sense to tag each line with the time it is printed by # Merovingian. Instead, Merovingian does a rough time indication by # inserting TME records in the log output. The seconds interval in # which Merovingian should print such TME record can be specified below. # Note that an interval of 0 makes Merovingian print a TME record for # every printed log record. The default is to print a TME record every # 10 minutes. mero_timeinterval=600 # # Merovingian forks itself to detach into the background. It stores its # pid in the following file, which can be used to stop Merovingian # again. mero_pidfile=${prefix}/var/run/merovingian.pid # # In normal use, Merovingian replaces an mserver, and hence listens for # connections on the same port as an mserver would do. For certain # configs, however, it may be more suitable to use an alternate port, # which can be specified here. #mero_port=50000 # # mservers that were started by Merovingian are shut down when the # Merovingian is shut down. This behaviour is desirable if the # Merovingian is ran as daemon process that represents MonetDB, such as # in an init.d script. Setting the time-out value below to a positive # non-zero value will shut down each mserver that was started with a # given time-out in seconds. If the time-out expires, the mserver is # killed using the SIGKILL signal. A time-out value of 0 means that no # mserver is shut down, meaning they will live on after the Merovingian # has shut down. The default is to shut down all started mservers with # a time-out of 7 seconds. mero_exittimeout=7 # MAL section # Monet Virtual Machine #==================================== mal_init=${exec_prefix}/lib/MonetDB5/mal_init.mal mal_listing = 15 # List everything # 1 = List the original input # 2 = List the MAL instruction # 4 = List the MAL type information # 8 = List the MAL properties # Checkpoint and recovery #=================================== # Checkpoints are stored in their own area, preferrably # on a different storage device. Checkpoints should be # initialized manually. checkpoint_dir=${prefix}/var/MonetDB5/chkpnt # Monet Application Interface Section #==================================== mapi_port=50000 # default port to address a mserver mapi_open=true # should be set to 'true' to allow for # remote access to a server # SQL Interface Section #==================================== # The SQL debug level (should be disabled for normal use) sql_debug=0 # Place to store transaction logs # The logs are typically stored on a different storage medium # to protect the database against accidental hardware loss. sql_logdir=/data/MonetDB5/sql_logs # The sql_init is a comma separated list of sql files to be # executed upon system restart. It is primarily used to make # SQL library functions known to all users. sql_init=${exec_prefix}/lib/MonetDB5/sql_init.sql -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/alternate-dbfarm-location-not-working-tp16715294p16756... 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