Hi, Thanks for the swift replies!
then the MServer will go into 100% CPU load and never come back. I compiled MonetDB on another machine under Debian and there it works fine. I am
Can you try just giving returns on the MonetDB> prompt while this happens?
I did try this and the prompt did still react. I even could enter commands like "clients()" or "threads()" to see the thing is still alive. For the "clients()" command I got a list of all open connections four of which seemed to be from MServer itself running under the user "adm" and one seemed to be from the connecting client. For this one the last column of the table was simply "" (empty). Unfortunately I now deleted the compiled MonetDB to have space to compile again without fear of running out of disk space. I can try again as soon as the compiling is done and it still does not work. Cheers, Richard