That's great, would you mind illustrating how to  deal with 
(1) having mixture of text and .gz files in the same directory
(2) dealing with error (mostly the rare encounter of "non-standard" columns)

both (1) & (2) are currently taken care of in R (for (2), i just ignore the error message and press on), but I'm not sure how to deal with them in shell script. hints also welcome. Just need pointers on where to start.


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Stefan Manegold <> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 04:56:31PM -0700, Yue Sheng wrote:
> no i/o, swapping, no activity in CPU monitor
> 32GB
> haven't tried. manual loading >600 files then see when it break is an
> option, albert a painful one...

assiming your files are in .../DIR/*.csv:

rows="`cat .../DIR/*.csv | wc -l`"
for i in .../DIR/*.csv ; do
       if [ "$rows" ] ; then
               mclient -lsql -s"copy $ROWS records into usrtable from '$i' using delimiters '|';"
               mclient -lsql -s"copy `cat $i | wc -l` records into usrtable from '$i' using delimiters '|';"


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