Yes.  We're wanting connection level balancing. :-D  I'm not seeing how to actually enable this or see how it's working, the documentation is rather sparse.


Joseph Brower

On 04/02/2012 09:56 AM, Fabian Groffen wrote:
Hi Joseph,

On 02-04-2012 09:25:30 -0600, Joseph Brower wrote:
We're looking at setting up the funnel.  We've got 2 database servers 
that we're planning on using, and we simply want to balance the requests 
between the two.  We don't want any of the multiplexing to take effect.  
I'm not seeing much as far as guides or how to set this up in the man 
pages.  Does anyone have any good pointers on how to set things up this way?
You don't need the funnel for this.  monetdbd(1) does this
automagically, as long as the database (or pattern to match the
database, see TAGS) is the same/results in both systems as match.

Remember, though, that this does connection-level balancing, not
query-level balancing.


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