How many files MonetDb is keeping open during runtime?
I have running some test on MonetDb on RedHat 6 environment and
faced the problem with the too many open files error during the
loading phase after having several tables created to the database.
I managed to avoid the current error with increasing the file handle
#add for
file handle #see lsof -p pid
soft nofile 65536
hard nofile 65536
Now the system is running, but after 500 tables in MonetDb, I see
about 17000 file handle listed with lsof -p command. The most of
those are pointing to files in dbfarm folder. Is the files of all
columns of all tables kept all the time?
Is there formula to estimate the number file handles needed?
Is there any limit how many tables or columns we can have in one
MonetDb instance?
The version used is "MonetDB Database Server v1.6 (Jul2012-SP1)"
compiled from sources for RedHat 6.