Hi all, I wonder is there is an option to make MonetDB/XQuery shredder ignore DTD files. What triggered this question is the need to shred about 20M files, each of them including *the same* online DTD. What happens is that, for each xml file, the DTD is downloaded and shredded/used(?). It is not even cached (I tried using xquery_cacherules, but apparently it has no effect on DTDs). This makes shredding speed drop down to more than 3 seconds per document, which is not an option of course, as it would take me roughly 700 days to shred the entire collection :) Removing DTD link from the original xml files is not an option either, the collection is simply too big to be replicated. How can the DTD be ignored? Roberto -- | M.Sc. Roberto Cornacchia | CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica) | Science Park 123, 1098XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands | tel: +31 20 592 4322 , http://www.cwi.nl/~roberto