Aha! That manual seems wrong to me, as it at least should make a note on supplying configure with an extra flag --with-monet=/path/to/monetdb However, if you happen to use bash as your shell, then there are some convenience scripts that can automate a lot of setting these kinds of flags or environment variables. Have you read the document "HowToStart-PF" in the root of the XQuery source distribution? Maybe Stefan's bash script does wonders for you. If can be done without too. Peter van der Kamp wrote:
Hello Fabian,
Can you tell us which platform, os, etc your are building on and which steps so far you have taken?
Sorry, I had to give this information in my previous mail. I use a Compaq Proliant 3000, running Fedora Core 3.
Steps taken so far: Followed the instructions (step 1 and 2) on: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/XQuery/Documentation/Installation/Source/Linux/i ndex.html?q=node/12
When step 2 complains about Mx, I downloaded Mx software from http://www.nongnu.org/mx/download.html
After unzipping and untarring I run make. Solved some compilation errors (changed varargs.h into stdarg.h) but then make complains about CODE/Mx: command not found. Here I stopped and dropped my question on the list.