On 04-02-2015 19:46:35 +0530, Vijay Krishna wrote:
starting database 'testDB'... FAILED start: starting 'testDB' failed: database 'testDB' appears to shut itself down after starting, check monetdbd's logfile for possible hints
I tried after restarting the demon multiple times, but no use.
I checked merovingian.log file in the db farm folder, but it showed only this -
2015-02-04 05:59:50 ERR control[7829]: (local): failed to fork mserver: database 'testDB' appears to shut itself down after starting, check monetdbd's logfile for possible hints
I tried to check the monetdbd's log file, but I am unable to find the log folder in var.
It's a bit confusing. merovingian.log actually /is/ monetdbd's logfile. Perhaps in a future release of MonetDB, the default name for the logfile (in new dbfarms) can be monetdbd.log instead. However, if you scroll up in the log you quoted above, you should see something about starting the database 'testDB'. It should also give you more information about how the database terminated. Something along the lines of "TERM", "KILL", "SEGV" is likely to be found there. Fabian