Hi, I'm using MonetDB-11.19.7 compiled from source on openSUSE 12.1. I'm also using the Perl client code from MonetDB source to connect to MonetDB from Perl via Perl DBI module. It works fine for a physical server but a VM server with a vmdk drive. It has an issue that the database handler must be disconnected and reconnected in order to execute more SQL statements; otherwise there will be an error saying 'Statement handle not marked as Active'. So I have written 2 testing Perl scripts doing SQL select for 100 iterations. One script is to demonstrate that it will fail while the other will work for all the iterations. The one that works is the script that connect and disconnect to MonetDB in every iteration before executing the SQL. In order to help you replicate the problem, there is an attached tar.gz file containing the 2 perl scripts - one for success and the other one for failure. Due to the size limitation, I cannot include the database dump file for the demonstration. Regards, Puthick