On 21-11-2007 08:33:30 -0500, Venks wrote:
I have been using some old scripts to START and STOP MonetDB instances. One of our requirements is to not to use default database and default directories for data/logs. So, I specify the data/log/checkpoint and the mapi_port explicitly when I bring up the instance using "mserver5". Please find enclosed the actual command from the START script below.
#...Launch the database /root/countdb/bin/mserver5 --dbfarm=/mnt/countdb1/dbfarm --dbname=csdb --dbinit='include sql;' --set sql_logdir=/mnt/countdb1/sql_logs --set checkpoint_dir=/mnt/countdb1/chkpnt --set mapi_port=50001 --set daemon=yes --set monet_welcom=no --set MONETDB5_PREFIX=$MDIR >> $LOG 2>&1 &
I understand the "merovingian" is the new and updated program to handle instance administration issues.
Can you please provide more information on how I can use "merovingian" to START/STOP MonetDB instances?
Is there online help for "merovingian" apart from what mentioned in the configuration file? Like "mserver5 --help" I was expecting "merovingian --help" but that doesn't work.
merovingian has a manpage, and you want to look at the monetdb manpage too. You may find a presentation I recently gave somewhat interesting: http://homepages.cwi.nl/~fabian/Publications/Merovingian%20MADAM.pdf I think merovingian cannot do exactly what you do right now, as it only manages one dbfarm, but it does not know a "default" database as well. If you have more specific questions, I'm happy to answer them.