Hi Hannes, Dennis,

Thanks for your help.
@ Hannes : What you suggest is what I have been doing, going the csv route and it works really well. However it is an extra step, which starts to become a hassle for frequent updates from another database.
@ Dennis : Great to see this tool. I'll try it and let you know.


On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Hannes Mühleisen <Hannes.Muehleisen@cwi.nl> wrote:
Hello Dennis,

On 01.08.2013, at 12:53, Dennis Pallett <dennis@pallett.nl> wrote:

> We have recently created a Java/JDBC tool just for this purpose and open-sourced it on Github. Check it out at http://github.com/topicusini/mssql2monetdb
> It's still in beta and definately still has some rough edges but it is working quite well for us.

great to hear that you created this, I think you missed a '-' in the URL, correct is https://github.com/topicus-ini/mssql2monetdb , right?



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