Hello, in our attempt to use monetdb as a backend for Mondrian, we are running into trouble with queries that Mondrian generates where functions are used in group by. eg. select substring('string',1,2) from mytable group by substring('string',1,2); Monet complains about a syntax error... On the contrary, using this syntax works: select substring('string',1,2) as col from mytable group by col; We have found a closed bug (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=946935&group_id=56967&atid=482468) in sourceforge that says it is not a bug, as using functions in group by is not supported in standard sql'99. We have thought of modifying Mondrian query generator to use the supported syntax... but the supported syntax is _not_ supported by Oracle ! So not supporting Oracle in favor of Monet is not (yet :) an option... Also notice that MS Sqlserver does not support aliases in group by either. Some even state that it is not standard sql... Reading the BNF was not of great help to me :-) Would you think supporting functions in group by could be done ? Mehmet -- Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)