Hi BR,

I do remember this happened to me once I think I performed a full export of my data and create a new dbfarm as I could never reproduce how it happened.

That was really a workaround.

Maybe there is more information now ?


Brian Hood

On Fri, 2 Sep 2022, 14:33 , <heikal79@live.com> wrote:
is it possible to insert pandas df to montedb?. I have used both sqlalchemy and df.to_sql( name='invoiceline', con=engine, schema='tst', if_exists='append',index=False, index_label=None) and it returns text() got an unexpected keyword argument 'bindparams'.
 Also used pymonetdb and cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO tst.invoiceline VALUES (%s)', [[x] for x, row in df.iterrows()]) and returned 21S01!INSERT INTO: number of values doesn't match number of columns of table 'invoiceline'.
My table contins 5 columns.

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