Thank you Jennie Zhang.
1. I have MonetDB Database Server Toolkit v1.1 (Feb2013-SP3)
(i install so: sudo apt-get install monetdb5-sql monetdb-client)
shell> monetdbd create /path/to/mydbfarm
shell> monetdbd start /path/to/mydbfarm
shell> monetdb create voc
shell> monetdb release voc
2. Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS
3. Schema view schemadatamonetdb.sql file
4. Data:
timedimension view datatimediM.csv
bi_con_cdr_diario: cdr.csv
But the error is when i do group by as (select sum(minutosfacturados),succodigo,montht,comnombre2 from bi_con_cdr_diario as cdr inner join timedimension as td on cdr.idtimedimension= where comcodigo=4 group by succodigo,comnombre2,montht;) and have 10.000.000 of rows.
I appreciate very much your help. I believe this is one great product.
Best Regards,
Edgar Mejia