On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 04:27:55AM -0700, Nafees Ur Rehman wrote:
Whats is the syntax of grouping sets in monetdb? I am trying Select has_nurs,form,health,class,count(*) from nursery group by GROUPING SETS ((has_nurs,class),(form,class),(health,class)) but it does not work
As far as I know, MonetDB does not support "GROUPING SETS" (yet?). Hence, you'd have to rewrite your query to "UNION ALL" several queries that do the individual groupings; e.g., your example: SELECT has_nurs,form,health,class,count(*) FROM nursery GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((has_nurs,class),(form,class),(health,class)) as follows: SELECT has_nurs,form,health,class,count(*) FROM nursery GROPU BY has_nurs,class UNION ALL SELECT has_nurs,form,health,class,count(*) FROM nursery GROPU BY form,class UNION ALL SELECT has_nurs,form,health,class,count(*) FROM nursery GROPU BY health,class; Feel free to file a feature request in case you would like to see "GROUPING SETS" in some future release of MonetDB/SQL (tough I cannot make any promises right now ...) Stefan
Regards Nafees Ur Rehman
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