Stefan Manegold wrote:
Compilation also work fine from MonetDB-Jun2010-SuperBall-DB0.tar.bz2 nightly built super source ball on my Fedora 12 desktop with unixODBC 2.2.14.
It is probably a version problem. I'll try updating the unixODBC and see if if it solves the problem. Stefan Manegold wrote:
Could you please check, how function SQLExtendedFetch() is defined in your /usr/include/sqlext.h, i.e., `grep SQLExtendedFetch /usr/include/sqlext.h`
/usr/include/sqlext.h SQLRETURN SQL_API SQLExtendedFetch( SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLUSMALLINT fFetchType, SQLROWOFFSET irow, SQLROWSETSIZE *pcrow, SQLUSMALLINT *rgfRowStatus); clients/src/odbc/driver/SQLExtendedFetch.c SQLRETURN SQL_API SQLExtendedFetch(SQLHSTMT hStmt, SQLUSMALLINT nOrientation, SQLLEN nOffset, SQLULEN *pnRowCount, SQLUSMALLINT *pRowStatusArray) -- View this message in context: Sent from the monetdb-users mailing list archive at