hello, all, i installed monetdb in windows server 2008(64bit) , and
installed the odbc for windows( 32bit intalled firstly, and 64bit the next),
after insert some Chinese characters, i use oracle biee to show the table
data, but biee can't show all the characters, just like below:
1£©monetdb data showed in biee
i also install mysql to test this, the database character set is utf8
too, and biee can show the data correctly:
2£©mysql data showed in
the data showed in command line tool are the same from monetdb and
monetdb command line tool
sql>select * from test2;
| nam |
| 广å?? |
| �� |
2 tuples (2.189ms)
mysql commad line tool
mysql> select * from test;
| nam |
| 广å?? |
| �� |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Does this mean that: the
driver of monetdb has some problems?