
I am a university student and I use MonetDB.

I have two questions to ask you regarding loading data using mclient:

1 - Is it possible to load multiple csv files into multiple tables in one query?

For exemple i have five csv files and five tables and I want to use a single command line instead of five

mclient -u us1 -d demo -s " COPY INTO DWDATE FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS '|','\n'" - <F:\2Go\DATE.tbl 
mclient -u us1 -d demo -s " COPY INTO CUSTOMER FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS '|','\n'" - <F:\2Go\CUSTOMER.tbl
mclient -u us1 -d demo -s " COPY INTO SUPPLIER FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS '|','\n'" - <F:\2Go\SUPPLIER.tbl
mclient -u us1 -d demo -s " COPY INTO PART FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS '|','\n'" - <F:\2Go\PART.tbl
mclient -u us1 -d demo -s " COPY INTO LINEORDER FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS '|','\n'" -<F:\2Go\LINEORDER.tbl

2 - Is it possible to enter the password in the request as well as user and database name?
This will save me introduce each time the password

For exemple
mclient -u us1 -d demo -s " COPY INTO DWDATE FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS '|','\n'" - <F:\2Go\DATE.tbl 

thank you.