I downloaded the latest super tar ball MonetDB-Venus-SuperBall-SR1
.tar.bz2 to my centos 4.3 box.  Here is what i have done so far
>tar -jzvf MonetDB-Venus-SuperBall-SR1.tar.bz2
>cd MonetDB-Venus-SuperBall-SR1
>./monetdb-install.sh --enable-sql --enable-xquery

it runs allong and appears to work by installing monetdb in the /root/ MonetDB.   After adding /root/MonetDB/bin to my path and adding
export MONETDB5_PREFIX=/root/MonetDB to my enviroment i try and start the database with the following command

> mserver5
# MonetDB Server v5.0.0_beta1_2
# Copyright (c) 1993-2007 CWI, all rights reserved
# Compiled for i686-redhat-linux-gnu/32bit with 32bit OIDs dynamically linked
# dbname:demo
# Visit http://monetdb.cwi.nl/ for further information
#warning: please don't forget to set your vault key!
#(see /root/MonetDB/etc/monetdb5.conf)

So far so good.  Just like the docs.  Now comes the trouble, I flip over to another shell and execute the following command
>mjclient -lsql -u monetdb

and for the password i use monetdb
This is the error that I receive:
MALException:setScenario:Scenario 'sql' not initialized

Any ideas?  I am thinking i have missed something but can't really grasp what that is.

