Stefan Manegold wrote: [snip]
In this first version, MonetDB/XQuery is optimized for handling (a single) large document(s).
In the future, we will investigate how we can improve the handling of large collections of document. Unfortunately, I cannot give any schedule or roadmap, yet.
Note to put pressure on the roadmap or schedule at all, just to express my interest in this kind of feature as well: I'm watching MonetDB/XQuery with much interest and am hoping to eventually build a Python binding for it that exposes the XML database power conveniently to a Python programmer. Querying large to very large collections of smaller (often quite small) documents is essential for my use cases though (which come from the CMS world). That MonetDB/XQuery can't do this yet is one reason I'm not playing with MonetDB more at the moment. Being able to do queries over semi-structured data spread out over multiple documents is a very interesting feature: http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/2005/02/15.html http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/2005/02/18.html Regards, Martijn