Hi Shahbaz, On 15-02-2007 21:39:38 -0500, Shahbaz wrote:
I've been trying to get MonetDB to compile on my machine: OSX Tiger (Intel): Macbook Pro.
I downloaded the source code and ran the following command: sudo ./monetdb-install.sh --enable-sql --enable-xquery (both with and without sudo)
Root privileges should *not* be necessary in this case.
I would stil like to encourage someone to provide a macports port distribution. I have no idea how to set one up, but if I can assist somehow, I'll be happy to do so.
Disribution of MonetDB is not as trivial as it seems. For MacPorts (former DarwinPorts) or Fink it might be easier because of their binary viewpoint, though. But you always need people with the expertise on the used packaging method to create and maintain a such package.
An annoyance and an observation: Traversing source forge's mail archives is a terrible, terrible experience. Has any on thought of switching to google groups? Heck, why not move the whole project there, svn will be a very nice side benefit :)
As we say in Dutch: "One shouldn't look into a given horse's mouth." We're very happy for what we get for free from SourceForge, even though it isn't perfect all the time. Also, sidenote: we evaluated switching to svn a while ago and came to the conclusion it is not giving us any benefit, so we'll stay with CVS for at least a long while.
Lastly, how about an IRC channel for MonetDB!
Hehe... most of us don't have time to wast^H^Hspend on that.
compile_jdbc: [echo] Compiling JDBC driver [javac] Compiling 22 source files to /var/tmp/MonetDB-1171591624/MonetDB-client/clients/src/java [javac] /var/tmp/MonetDB-1171591624/MonetDB-client/clients/src/java/src/nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc/MonetClob.java:35: duplicate class: nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetClob [javac] public class MonetClob implements Clob { [javac] ^
This problem is caused by an old version of the script. At least I thought I had that fixed. What's the output of ./monetdb-install.sh --version? When did you download the sources? If you have a good internet connection you might want to download the latest version of the script from here: http://koala.ins.cwi.nl:8000/projects/monetdb//Assets/monetdb-install.sh and run it like you did. It will download the necessary files, and should pass. Check that you get version 1.7. Let us know if you succeed this way.