The MonetDB team at MonetDB BV is pleased to announce the Jun2020-SP1 bugfix release of the MonetDB suite of programs. More information about MonetDB can be found on our website at https://www.monetdb.org/. For details on this release, please see the release notes at https://www.monetdb.org/Downloads/ReleaseNotes. As usual, the download location is https://www.monetdb.org/downloads/. Jun 2020-SP1 bugfix release (11.37.11) MonetDB Common * Hash buckets come in variable widths. But if a BAT grows long enough so that the BAT indexes that are stored in the buckets don't fit anymore, the buckets need to be widened. This is now fixed. Bug Fixes * 6844: sys.getUser('https://me:pw@www.monetdb.org/Doc') does not return the user: me * 6845: the url sys.get...(url) functions do not allow null as a parameter * 6858: json.keyarray(json '{ "":0 }') fails with error: Could not allocate space * 6859: only first character of the separator string in json.text(js json, sep string) is used * 6873: sys.hot_snapshot() creates incomplete snapshots if the write-ahead log is very large * 6876: tar files created by sys.hot_snapshot() produce warnings on some implementations of tar * 6877: MonetDB produces malformed LZ4 files * 6880: Left fuzzy queries are much slower than other fuzzy queries. * 6882: cgroups limits no longer respected? * 6883: SQLancer crash on delete query * 6884: SQLancer generates query with unclear error message * 6885: SQLancer causes assertion error on UTF8_strlen * 6886: SQLancer alter table add unique gives strange error message * 6887: SQLancer crash on complex query * 6888: SQLancer crash on cross join on view * 6889: SQLancer crash on long query * 6892: SQLancer crash on query with HAVING * 6893: SQLancer inner join reporting GDK error * 6894: SQLancer crash on rtrim function * 6895: SQLancer causing 'algebra.select' undefined error * 6896: SQLancer algebra.select' undefined 2 * 6897: SQLancer distinct aggregate with error on group by constant * 6898: SQLancer crash on join query * 6899: SQLancer TLP query with wrong results * 6900: SQLancer generated SIGFPE * 6901: SQLancer TLP query with wrong results 2 * 6902: SQLancer query: batcalc.between undefined * 6903: SQLancer calc.abs undefined * 6904: SQLancer aggr.subavg undefined * 6905: SQLancer TLP query with wrong results 3 * 6906: SQLancer crash on complex join * 6907: SQLancer algebra.select undefined * 6908: SQLancer inputs not the same size * 6909: SQLancer query with wrong results * 6911: SQLancer query: 'calc.bit' undefined * 6917: Decimal parsing fails * 6918: SQLancer query compilation error * 6919: SQLancer insert function doesn't handle utf-8 strings * 6920: SQLancer project_bte: does not match always * 6922: Timestamp columns not migrated to new format * 6923: Imprints data files for timestamp BAT not migrated to the new format * 6924: SQLancer query copy on unique pair of columns fails and complex query with GDK error * 6925: Count string rows in union of string tables leaks (RSS) memory * 6926: SQLancer query with wrong results * 6927: SQLancer inputs not the same size * 6928: SQLancer crash on coalesce * 6929: SQLancer calc.date undefined * 6932: Syntax error while parsing JSON numbers with exponent * 6934: sys.isauuid() returns wrong answer for some invalid uuid strings