I got #GDKrealloc(21474836496) fails error when I tried to run TPC-H
benchmark with a scale factor 100. The error happened during loading
tables. Here are information about my configuration:
The monetdb version used:
changeset: 45737:bfd558546498
tag: tip
user: Martin Kersten
date: Thu Oct 25 21:55:38 2012 +0200
summary: Add missing variable.
The machine used:
64 bit Ubuntu natty
With 7.806 GiB available main-memory.
Compiler option used:
64 bit OIDs used
Runtime options used:
/home/borgdb/monetdb/install/bin/mserver5 --set
gdk_dbfarm=/home/borgdb/monetdb/dbfarm --dbname=tpch100 --set
merovingian_uri=mapi:monetdb://sc-borgdb6:50000/tpch100 --set
mapi_open=false --set mapi_port=0 --set
mapi_usock=/home/borgdb/monetdb/dbfarm/tpch100/.mapi.sock --set
monet_vault_key=/home/borgdb/monetdb/dbfarm/tpch100/.vaultkey --set
gdk_nr_threads=8 --set max_clients=64 --set sql_optimizer=default_pipe
--set monet_daemon=yes
I am new to monetdb, so I am not sure if that is a known issue. If it is a
known issue, my question is: on a 64 bit machine with 7.8GiB memory, how
big a scale factor(TPC-H benchmark) can be handled by monetdb with 64 bit
OID? If there any runtime option that enables monetdb to handle a big scale
factor when run TPC-H benchmark?
On my configuration, I succeeded in running TPC-H with scale factor 10, but
failed with every scale factor >= 15.
Any comments will be greatly appreciated,
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