Hi monetDb collective, I am porting a test database over from a MySQL schema, and it currently looks like this; CREATE TABLE `MSFT` ( `date` datetime default NULL, `o` decimal(10,0) default NULL, `h` decimal(10,0) default NULL, `l` decimal(10,0) default NULL, `c` decimal(10,0) default NULL, `v` decimal(10,0) default NULL, `a` decimal(10,0) default NULL, `period` varchar(12) default 'daily' ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 1) Whats the equivalent monetDB method for representing the datetime of the start of the OHLC period? 2) As lots of queries are going to pull all the data from a particular symbol table to do things like calculate moving average, should I even be using datetime as the time index, should I use an integer value instead? Many thanks, Tom