With Jul2015-SP2 release as well as the latest version of the Jul2015 branch (changeset e2aafc304c04),
these indeed appear to work fine:
sql>create table my_table (my_id clob, my_double double);
operation successful (9.317ms)
sql>SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT my_id ) AS unique_enrollees , QUANTILE( my_double , 0.25 ) AS some_quantile FROM my_table;
| unique_enrollees | some_quantile |
| 0 | null |
1 tuple (3.639ms)
However, with te latest version of the default branch (changeset c6a29bdbc3d5),
they fail with the following error (no crash, though):
sql>create table my_table (my_id clob, my_double double);
operation successful (1.789ms)
sql>SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT my_id ) AS unique_enrollees , QUANTILE( my_double , 0.25 ) AS some_quantile FROM my_table;
TypeException:user.s3_1[21]:'aggr.quantile' undefined in: aggr.quantile(X_35:bat[:dbl]);
program contains errors
Please file a bug report.
> _______________________________________________
----- On Feb 23, 2016, at 12:20 AM, Anthony Damico ajdamico@gmail.com wrote:
> they do work in the latest release but they crash monetdblite, making me wonder
> about the root culprit.. thanks all
> create table my_table (my_id clob, my_double double);
> SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT my_id ) AS unique_enrollees , QUANTILE( my_double , 0.25
> ) AS some_quantile FROM my_table;
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