We are unable to get the information for all active users sessions when we use sys.queue as monetdb user.
Also, the tried as user other than monetdb, it returned no access, We had provided the user select privilege on the sys.queue view.
[monetadmin@lnx1487 scripts]$ /monet_binaries/MonetDB-11.27.13_PY/bin/mclient mapi:monetdb://lnx1487:50053/DB_BWS_S
Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Jul2017-SP4)
Database: MonetDB v11.27.13 (Jul2017-SP4), 'mapi:monetdb://lnx1487:50053/DB_BWS_S'
Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands
auto commit mode: on
sql>select "user","active",count(*) as "No. Of Connections" from sys.sessions() group by "user","active";
| user | active | No. Of Connections |
DM_POS_BWS_STG_P6 | true | 1 |
| DM_POS_BWS_STG_P6 | false | 3 |
| monetdb | true | 1 |
3 tuples (6.027ms)
sql>select * from sys.queue;
| qtag | user | started | estimate | progress | status | tag | query |
| 3630 | monetdb | 2018-11-07 17:07:34.000000 | null | null | running | 3630@0 | select * from sys.queue; |
1 tuple (1.610ms)
[monetadmin@lnx1487 scripts]$
Thank You,