bryan rasmussen wrote:
I haven't looked at monetdb for a while, but now for a new project I have I think it would be a really good solution. I downloaded the current windows installers yesterday (I want to develop this project on Windows for various reasons, specifically related to demos of another component part of the project I need to get up and running quickly that will need to run on Windows) anyway the installers did not install. I don't necessarily want to compile the source etc. since I didn't want to spend a lot of time on getting the database to work in the demo phase, so the question is: what is the last working Windows MSI version so I can download that version and worry about building a new one later?
The main problem in the installed servers are a hard coded path to a config file, according to the following error message I get:
Could not open file c:\Documents and Settings\sjoerd\My Documents\src\stable\vs32\NT32\etc\monetdb5.conf
I guess I could create that path for the purposes of testing but I would rather get a working version.
In the top level folder of the installation is a batch script (M5server.bat) which calls the executable with the correct options to override the built-in paths. In particular, it set the prefix and exec_prefix options. -- Sjoerd Mullender