Dear all, I've been using MonetDB version 5 on Ubuntu machine for evaluating BSBM queries. The dataset and queries can be found here[1]. It seems that there are some queries that are not supported on MonetDB : 1) SELECT p.nr, p.label FROM product p, producttypeproduct ptp WHERE p.nr=ptp.product AND "productType"=35 AND "propertyNum1">500 AND "propertyNum3"<2000 AND 168 IN (SELECT "productFeature" FROM productfeatureproduct WHERE productfeatureproduct.product=p.nr) AND 147 NOT IN (SELECT "productFeature" FROM productfeatureproduct WHERE product=p.nr)
From the error, the subquery seems can't refer to the table alias "p".
2) SELECT distinct p.nr, p.label FROM product p, product po, (Select distinct pfp1.product FROM productfeatureproduct pfp1, (SELECT "productFeature" FROM productfeatureproduct WHERE product=2) pfp2 WHERE pfp2."productFeature"=pfp1."productFeature") pfp WHERE p.nr=pfp.product AND po.nr=2 AND p.nr <> po.nr AND p."propertyNum1" < (po."propertyNum1"+120) AND p."propertyNum1" > (po."propertyNum1"-120) AND p."propertyNum2" < (po."propertyNum2"+170) AND p."propertyNum2" > (po."propertyNum2"-170) This is strange, because if I just comment one of the last 2 lines, the query works. But the last two lines can't be used together. 3) SELECT nr, label FROM product WHERE label like "%countries%"; It seems that MonetDB doesn't support regex. 4) SELECT * FROM (select label from product where nr=2) p left join ((select o.nr as onr, o.price, v.nr as vnr, v.label from offer o, vendor v where 2=o.product AND o.vendor=v.nr AND v.country='GB' AND o."validTo">'2008-07-01') ov right join (select r.nr as rnr, r.title, pn.nr as pnnr, pn.name, r.rating1, r.rating2 from review r, person pn where r.product=2 AND r.person=pn.nr) rpn on (1=1)) on (1=1); It seems that MonetDB can't do join with true condition because when I tried to run a simple query : SELECT * FROM product p RIGHT JOIN offer o ON (1=1) Then MonetDB gives an error. Could anyone please help me how to run the queries above? Many thanks in advance. Freddy [1] http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/BerlinSPARQLBenchmark/spec/ExploreUseC...