Hi Martin,

I understand that it makes somoe more queries, but it doesn't explain the performance degradation.
I have 100 000 queries to create my entries, if I add 100 000 queries to get the next sequence number, it makes 2 * 100 000 queries, and if I apply a stupid rule, it makes 2 * 30 seconds = 1 minute, not 7:30 minutes !

And, well, myabe I should not use a sequence, but so, what do you recommend to use instead of it ? The application generated id I used is just a hack for the tests...


On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Martin Kersten <Martin.Kersten@cwi.nl> wrote:
Cimballi wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a strange behavior with MonetDB and the JDBC driver, maybe you
> have an explanation.
> Here is what I do :
> I import about 100 000 rows in MonetDB using the JDBC driver and simple
> SQL statements (not prepared) with Spring JDBC API.
so you make 100.000 extra sql queries, that are parsed, optimized and
executed. And indeed, this may call for a max() operation.
This becomes expensive if you use auto-commit after each insert as well.

> I made the test a first time using sequences, so before inserting the
> data I query for the next sequence number and then I insert the data.
> The second time, I generate the sequence number on the application side,
> using a simple increment, so I directly insert the data.
> And the strange result :
> In the first test, it took 7:30 minutes for the whole insert.
> In the second test, it took only 30 seconds for the whole insert.
> So, it seems there is a problem with the select performance, and in fact
> I saw this problem for another select operation.
> Do you have any idea about where it can come from ? Is there any
> configuration option or the way I use the JDBC API ?
> Thanks,
> Cimballi
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