Hi! I am running several concurrent transactions on Monet DB using JDBC and I'm getting an error when commiting a transaction: java.sql.SQLException: COMMIT: failed ERROR: COMMIT: transaction is aborted because of concurency conflicts, will ROLLBACK instead at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetConnection$ResponseList.executeQuery(MonetConnection.java:2185) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetConnection$ResponseList.processQuery(MonetConnection.java:1937) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetConnection.commit(MonetConnection.java:443) Is there a way that this exception can be handled in order to have all transactions working (even if waiting the last one to be finished)? I am using MonetDB-4.10.0 and SQL-2.10.0. Thanks for your cooperation. Best regards, Anderson Supriano